16 June 2011

Holiday Inspiration

I have been wanting to make something for every season and I finally found what I was looking for to do it!  I found this stand at my local quilt shop Thimbles and Threads. 

I started with Halloween because those were the colors of scraps that I had to see if I liked how it was going to turn out.

I used my cricut machine to cut out the shapes.

So...What do you think?  I think they might be even better if I were to use a "line" of fabrics but I didn't want to get that involved if it didn't turn out as I wanted it.  



  1. I think that your leeeetle banners are very cute!
    No need to stay with "whole" line of fabric...the colors/fabrics you used are working good together. =)

    =) new follower =)
